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MedCuff® Infusion cuff - 1000 ml

Certifications : TUV ISO13485  CE  FDA  CFDA  

Pressure cuff for infusion with high quality gauge Ø 52 mm up to 300 mmHg. It is a common practice during emergency and surgical procedures to increase the rate that fluids are provided by the intravenous bags (IV). An accurate, reliable and prolonged pressure infusion device is most critical. MedCuff® Infusion cuffs could utilize.

 Product features:

  • Available in 500ml and 1000ml;

  • High quality manometer with easy-to-read Ø 52mm face and the fine adjustment release valve allows accurate pressure control;

  • Latex free to avoid unpleasant skin reactions;

  • Clear front to allow visualization of fluid level;

  • With suspension loop for infusion stands and hook for IV bags.




血壓計臂扣 標準 肥胖 小童  Disposable cuffs for Sphygmomanometer Nylon Blood Pressure Cuffs V11 series Blood Pressure Monitor Cuffs VD series
Cuff and Bladder Adult Obese Pediatric 血壓計一次性臂帶 診所血壓計專用袖帶 家用電子血壓計專用臂袖帶

德國里斯特可週壓輸液增流袋 Pressure Infusion Bag 500ml Pressure Infusion Bag 1000ml Disposable Pressure Infusion Bag
Riester metpak pressure infusion device 可調壓輸液增流袋 可調壓輸液增流袋 一次性可調壓輸液增流袋500/1000/3000ml

Copyright © 2015 Kam Wah Enterprises Co.
Last modified: 2023年11月23日